The first time we knew anything was wrong with Dylan was Christmas Day 2015. He started the day having trouble breathing and being very lethargic. After he opened his presents, we put him down for a nap and then got him up for dinner. He hardly ate anything which wasn’t like him, even peas and yorkshire pudding which he loves. As we were driving over to Kerry's Mum & Dad's after dinner, we took a detour to the walk-in centre, and Kerry took Bryce our eldest to her parents. Dylan was seen by the doctor immediately and after some brief checks, they picked up the phone and sent him to A&E via ambulance.
It was discovered after some tests that his lung had collapsed but without trauma or infection. He was transferred from Derby to Nottingham, where he has since had all his treatment, and they inserted a chest drain. Once he stabilised after a few days he was sent for a CT scan, which showed his lungs completely covered in cysts. After 2 weeks in hospital, Dylan was discharged, we were home for 4 days before another lung collapse. This time when they put in the chest drain, he had a biopsy done. This time he was in the hospital for nearly 3 weeks, numerous checks and tests were done and a referral was made to Great Ormond Street Hospital because at that time, they believed the only hope was a double lung transplant. When I say hope, it means hope for more time, as that is all it would have given us.