* This post is written by a guest blogger - it is not sponsored. *
Evenbreak was created to solve a couple of big problems relating to employment and disabilities. Something that is even more poignant in this new post-covid economic climate, as it’s incredibly difficult for anyone to get a job. But if you have a disability, it’s even harder as you are twice as likely to be unemployed! Depressing, isn’t it? The good news is that there are many employers out there who are enlightened enough to understand that there are many business advantages to be gained by employing people with disabilities. For example:
1 - We are just as productive as people without disabilities.
2 - We have less time off sick.
3 - We have fewer workplace accidents.
4 - We stay in our jobs longer.
5 - We have additional skills developed as a result of living in a world not designed for us, such as tenacity, innovation, determination and creativity.
6 - We have insider experience with the “disability market”.