Some Of The Barriers Many People Face Include:
Counsellor Knowledge Of The Clients’ Frame Of Reference And World Experience:
This is something I felt was lacking in mainstream services as very little training is given around disability in my experience. They may lack knowledge on the social and medical models, of what ableism is and inspiration porn etc.
If an individual needs support to get to their appointment is that support available? Needing support can exacerbate the loss of independence and may result in feeling like a burden. It can also take away an individuals’ privacy. Individuals may not be able to do anything independently. Offering online services is an inclusive resource promoting privacy and autonomy.
Many people with disabilities and illnesses have fatigue and this may be a big factor in committing to attend regular appointments. The stress of planning and relying on others to be able to attend appointments may also be a consideration. Online counselling can offer a flexible alternative on your terms.
People may find it difficult to ask for the help they need for fear of stigma. Individuals may not want their families or friends to worry about them and may put on a brave face.
I have always been passionate about promoting psychological services for all and I wanted to build a service that represented the people who used it. We offer a flexible online service accessible from your home around your needs.