Throughout my struggles, I found solace in writing. It’s the only thing that distracts me from my issues and I’ve always had a love for words. It’s also one thing I’m genuinely good at, so it was inevitable that my passion eventually interloped with my career aspirations. I went on to successfully study degrees in Creative and Professional Writing and Multimedia Journalism. My other interests include music, gaming, travelling, and swimming. All these activities help me focus, as my attention span can often divert from one thing to another.
As mentioned above, I’m also very proactive on social media. Despite the highs and lows that come with using such platforms, it’s become a great coping mechanism. Especially Twitter, as I can vent about anything and everything without raising people’s eyebrows. Whether it’s for professional reasons, to chat with other people, look at funny memes, or watch videos - I’m on every single social network you can find! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat… and even TikTok! You name it - I’m probably on it.
It is because of my disability-related experiences, educational achievements, passion for helping others and abilities to navigate social media, that I was able to begin my next venture. So, I am pleased to announce that I have joined the AYL team as their new Social Media Administrator (now Social Media Manager as of December 2021). I’m really looking forward to helping make the world a more accessible, inclusive, and supportive place for people living with disabilities. But in the meantime, if you have any questions relating to my experiences, please get in touch via the links below!