Before your trial ends, you need to decide how you want to proceed with your order. I loved every moment of testing these wheels; so much so, that I dreaded switching back to my standard Spinergy Wheels. I could now comfortably spend more time in my wheelchair, without as many vibrations radiating up into my seat cushion, backrest, or handlebars. Making it feel as if my chair now glides along, as opposed to rolls. I genuinely never expected the wheels to be as good as the reviews made out, so I hadn’t considered how I would pay for them. But I knew I had to find a way to continue experiencing such benefits, so arranged to pay via monthly instalments.
Should you decide that Loopwheels aren't for you, simply log into your account and cancel your payment plan - it's that simple! The company will then contact you about collecting the trial wheels, without questioning your decision. An appreciated level of curtsey for anyone wanting to terminate their order, because there is nothing worse than feeling as if you must justify your decision!
The whole experience was of a high standard and the customer service was excellent. The Loopwheels team were always happy to help and considerate of my needs. I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a way to make their wheelchair more comfortable!